Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Paris, Toronto

So the cast of House of Wax stopped by MuchMusic "environment" but judging by the crowd and the media coverage you would have thought it was the House of Paris. The headlines said nothing of the cast: Fans brave weather to see Paris (Hilton) in the spring,Hilton checks into Toronto, Paris Hilton promotes movie in Toronto,Crowd jams street to see Paris Hilton at MuchMusic in Toronto.
Well I saw her!...from afar that is. John Street was closed off and rammed with people. A large stage was set-up in the middle of the street. Lights, cameras, security, fan signs everywhere and damn it was cold! I hung out with Natalie for the first 1/2 hour of the show. I just wanted to get a glimpse of my girl and I did. That was hot!

If you want to see Paris 'in the raw' (no! Not that video.) go here.


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